Monday, July 25, 2011

Growing pains.

Wouldn't be lovely if we could all skip the lessons, the "friends" that leave your life, the broken hearts and get to being forty.

Hand in hand with your mate, your glass of wine in hand as you watch your little creations running around, laughing and skipping rope. As you look into the eyes of the youngest one crying because he scrapped his knee as he aimed to leave the training wheels behind. As the middle child tugs your dress to get your attention. As the oldest is telling his father about the soccer try outs and how they've picked him for defense.

I think it would be so lovely to be hand in hand with a balance.
With the things you want for yourself so desperately.

Growing pains, they're more than muscle aches, and getting grounded.
More than skipping class to smoke pot or sneaking out of the house past curfew just so you can watch the stars with the "love of your life".
They are pains that linger in your veins even as years go by. Even as you look back at being 16 and think "I would've done things differently".
They're more than trying to forget all the names that have come up on your love chart, or how maybe that fight with your friend at the age of 15 wasn't a big deal and if only you could of put your ego aside and worked it out, it would of blossomed into something quite beautiful.

Growing pains, fuck em.


  1. sometimes, pain is necessary for growth. but pain is not your enemy. pain is a messenger, letting us know that something that we are doing or allowing to happen is adversely affecting us, and that we should do something about it. when you get the message that pain is trying to give you, the pain will stop. embrace all that life is...good and bad, because life is truly a gift in any case.

  2. Thank you for your words. They are truly touching.
