Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Write something beautiful, Mel"

I'm not sure if it''s quite possible right now. But we can start with my heart and it's yearnings. My hearts heavy and it's broken. It's constantly dancing its way through the next rhythm featured in the chronicles of my life. I feel defeated. Defeated by the way the hearts suppose to know what to want. I feel my body taking new form, adapting to this modified way of living. I can't tell you how i'm feeling when all my heart can sense is dispear. I long for the day my home waits for my spirit, the harvesting that will result in nutrition for my body, the wind that blows with the whisper of what peace might just be like. Finally, territory that I can say belongs to me and will never be robbed from me again.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Readers , 

I really should be writing right now. I'm in the most transformation of my life. My hearts changing.