Last night I sat down with my mom and we had a talk. A good talk.
I told her so many things about what I have been feeling for the past 8 months and a lot of the struggles that have come along with. I explained how I felt that nobody understood how I was feeling and that it was making me get to the point that I am distant from a lot of people. I told her how comfortable it's become to just be alone. To suffer by myself. The thing I also told her was that I couldn't stand to feel as if my life has paused while everyone else's progresses and evolves. It fucking sucks. I was a pool of tears with her by the end of it.
And for the first time ever I also said out loud with truth and fear that I didn't love him anymore. I don't. I'm just Hurt. Resentful. Shocked. Sadden.
I still wonder what about me wasn't good enough.
How much bad must I have done in order to deserve what I got.
You guys don't even know half of what he did.
And Those are the things I believe would maybe set me free.
but I take them to the grave.
Not for him, but because I couldn't stand the humiliation.
I would never be able to face myself in the mirror again.
Also because I am terrified of him.
I should have told his mother everything.
I should have pressed charges.
I should have reported it and let them get rid of him.
I covered for him too much.
for what?
fear...shame...or, love?
ReplyDeletethere's always a reason. whatever it is, you must discover it. that is where your healing lies...
You were not made to be alone. I've just started to deal with issues i knew this threw up 6 years ago. Live in Freedom. the quicker you deal with this the quicker you are free to live your life, help the people in your life held by this and those in similar positions. Don't delay and pretend it's fine like i did. the coping mechanisms are poison, i promise you. see someone who knows about this and can pray with you and point you to freedom xxx