hey everybody! Does anyone feel like this weeks gonna go by really, really slooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww? I do at least; boo.
So, my teacher finally got fired from school and we have a new coordinator. She's super awesome. She's a make up artist and has worked with people such as Gerard Butler *drools* and use to be Christina Applegates personal make up artist. I think she's gonna do us really good. She's extremely strict but I think it's because she' so passionate about what she does but at the same time she gives us such credibility, which we lacked. I think Marvel really needed this. But with that being said, I need to step up my game and get to school on time, have my uniform ready, and focus. Maybe I needed this push into the right direction.
I went to demetres with Slava today. It was nice to finally get the chance to talk to him one on one. I really needed to be honest with him about a lot of stuff. Even stuff that had nothing to do with him.I really needed him to be honest with me. I needed him to drill me and put me in my place. That being said, .... yeah.
So, i have a big decision to make but i am going to sleep on it one last night. Even though I know what I am going to do. But i am excited to challenge myself.
I am still waiting for the phone call from this cruise line I applied to. Hopefully by this time next year I will be in Europe or South America, finally travelling and seeing the world. <3
I think i'm going to call it a night. I have a lot of processing to do.
Sweet dreams and until tomorrow or whenever.
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