I tend not to blog this early but the fact that I've already missed my morning theory allows me to do so. So, I was going to sleep in a little today and go into class a bit late just because I felt I needed to catch up on some sleep but then last night I woke up around 5:00 am feeling really sick. I was sweating all over my chest, my room was so hot, and my throat was clogged. It's true, it does feel like razors being put down your neck. I couldn't take it. I got to use the washroom and get a class of water hoping it would make me feel better. But then I was lying there not being able to fall asleep again,great! So I ended up waking up at 10:30 and I figured that i'll just go for the afternoon instead. I did make up some hours yesterday by staying late but those are just gonna go towards today's missing hours. I'm back at square one. I do work an event this Sunday though downtown. So that will give me more hours too. I work Saturday only. I'm so upset that work has only scheduled me one day this week. I really need the money :(. So now, i'm just drinking a cup of tea which I haven't done in a while and thinking about an event that I should be attending. I can't make up my mind whether or not I should go. I've numbered the pros and cons and still, can not decide. I wonder when i'm going to stop ripping myself apart and living my life avoiding him. It's my world too, i'm entitle to go too. For all I know i'm making this into a bigger deal than it is. He's probably not even invited.
Yeah, so that's enough for me at the moment.
Ps. I'm having identity issues, can anyone notice?
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