Jeeesssuuuuuuusssssssssssss ! Thank God this week is over. I didn't think it would come to an end to be honest. I was so busy with school and working my first even at a fashion show with the rest of the girls in my aesthetics program. Thank the lord it was open bar and after we were done we could party with the rest of the people. But man, aren't rich people rude! But whatever, i've learned that I am going to have to deal with these kinda people and that's fine because honestly, i'm really beginning to love what I do. I don't care anymore if people think it's stupid or not really an education because it's 'beauty school'. Screw you and your opinion I work just as hard to study for exams and to stay on top of my work. I love it, It's going to open so many doors for me.
So I had orientation and it went pretty well. I did have moments where I go so bored and really couldn't understand why everything was so necessary but I def have more respect for cast members and I'm not gonna lie, i'm a bit intimidated by this job but then again when am I not nervous. I just don't wanna mess up. I really, really don't wanna mess up. So far, I work this Tuesday. That will be my first official day of training. What gets me mad though is the fact that I have to do these dumb online surveys that are each a half hour long and if you don't pass a certain section you get up to three times to do it right again and if you get it wrong it logs you out. Well, guess what? I failed the easiest one and it logged me out, ugh. I need to pass it before I start my shift. This has me stressed. I'm overwhelmed. I lack sleep but I guess at the same time it doesn't have me thinking so much. I don't mind the uniform but I am pretty upset at the fact that I have to tuck my shirt in and wear a belt. Me and belts don't mix. Neither do tucked shirts and excess weight.
On a lighter note, I finished reading "If I am missing or dead". I absolutely love memoirs and this one was beautiful. The story of the murder of a sister and her fight through an abusive relationship. Truly inspiring. I highly recommend it. :) Now i need to find another book to read. As I write this I am looking at my book shelf and I think I may just pick up The Augusten Burroughs books again or maybe read baby proof since I stopped reading it last year or maybe the halfway house. Suggestions?
I think i'm going to miss class tomorrow. I wish I could say that I am doing this to have time for myself but no. I actually have to do a project to wrap up my make up unit and move on to the wonderful world of feet and hands. Yes, manicures and pedicures ewww. It's due this Friday. I think I am either going to do the Kat Von D line or the Benefits line. So, I think I am going to sleep in a little tomorrow, make some (semi healthy) breakfast and maybe find my way to the library. Maybe even one in another area. I just kinda wanna get away. I need to recharge.
Well, this is my new life. I would post more about dreams or dilemmas but lately my dreams are repetitive and my dilemmas are too dangerous even for writing.
Ps. It's been settled.
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