School and work are getting to me. It's tug a war. Whatever happened to a thing called sleep? Please. Just give me two days where I can sleep, eat, shower, tea, and do it all over again. I'm running out of energy. I want to be capable of doing everything. My hours, learning my shit at school, work, taking on lots of shifts to make $$$. I haven't even had the time to deal with my own stuff as of late. Where is there space for me? I miss being lazy and kicking back with friends. I miss just being alone and falling asleep in front of the TV. I miss old stuff. But at the same time I have two more months of this and then I get a grad party. A topic that will have to wait until the next entry.
Goodnight Readers. I am gonna go to bed now.
I doubt i'll even get up on time tomorrow.
8:30 everday for class is too early for me.
- M
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