Let me tell you something. There are many versions of this story that have been told. Never have I ever heard once come close to the truth. Not my truth THE truth. This story though is like no other. Doesn't come with a beginning middle and end. This one hits many climaxes, finds new settings, and definitely has plenty of characters. But that's not the point. Let me get back to that.
Let's begin with this moment. I am complicated in matters. Every day comes to me like a bullet. I have no idea what to expect from my emotions nor do I know how to handle them. Most days I try to find beauty in everything. Others I just wanna ask the sun to fade and come back some other day. At this moment I am beautiful. The way a blind man see's you to be. My pronunciation of the foreign language has advanced, my touch is gentle and pure, my smell no longer of corpse. I don't have a destination. To reach a point where stability exist is impossible. The journey is my process of living.
Tomorrow I wanna catch up to destiny. Just give me what I'll encounter 2 years from now. C'mon already.. just drop it on my laps. Patience has never been my strong point and I my anxiousness is depriving me from in devouring in possible flights of experiences and lessons.
Baby, just let me live tomorrow for today.
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