I gotta make this one short as I am on my way to work soon. Well first off, i don't wanna go to work. I'm kinda disgusted with Cineplex at the moment. I know it was my fault for not putting a lock on my locker but I figured I could have more faith in my coworkers to not steal from me. Sad part is, there is nothing I can do about it. Those were like my last $30 until I got paid. and I needed them for something really important. Saturdays turn out wasn't as hyped as I thought it would be. I have a lot of thinking to do. Let's just say that. Another week of school tomorrow, lovely (Y). I can not get back into the cycle. My sleeping has been messed, my priorities are all over the place. I need something to balance and ground me. Ideas anyone? That's all for now. Same shit, new day.
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