Man, am I tired! What a week I had. I was pretty busy trying to step up my game at school. I got into huge trouble with the school director and got warned about my attendance. I'm pretty much trying to stick to my talk. Yesterday I had back to back clients. Don't get me wrong I like being busy but I hate it that I could have had some time to catch up on my theory and that wasn't possible because there are people in my program that refuse to do clients. I, myself have denied clients but not at the rate that this one person in particular does. It's getting old and honestly the extra workload isn't fair to the rest of the girls there. So : I think I am accepting this stupid phobia of feet! I was able to do two pedicures yesterday and it wasn't that bad. I've learned that as long as I have stomached something before doing the treatment i'm pretty set. I gave Alex is lovely manicure lol. He was quite a lady with all his gossiping and updates. Slava later came in with his girlfriend and i gave him a back massage. Body so far as been my favorite part of the course but I am getting excited for waxing. I am just nervous about bikini waxing and lots of hair. I also learned how to do gel set nails. It's not part of the program but our new director lady use to own a nail spa and was kind enough to show us. I mean, the stuff for nails already comes in our kits and for what I am paying for that damn kit I might as well get all my moneys worth. Plus I think the demand is huge in fake nails so this should be good. So far I have down: body massages, body wraps, paraffin treatments for feet and hands, manicures, pedicures, and make up. Next is waxing and skin (facials and acne treatment). I am almost done!
Work had me mad. I just didn't wanna be there. I was pretty upset at myself for that. I really enjoy what I do. I love being that busy and challeneged, even though I haven't really made any friends I do have a few cool people I talk to, I had pretty good guests last night. Two of them made my night. So, by the end of my shift.. even though I was exhausted I was pretty bubbly.
My house is upside down. I have been rearranging stuff and throwing stuff away. Also been looking around for what I am going to sell at the garage sale that me and Fonna have planned this summer. I want to get some stuff from Ikea but I was under the impression that my pay was going to be a lot better so that is stopping me at the moment. I also wanted to go shopping for some spring things I need. I don't know whih one to pick: Ikea or a trip to orfus?
On a last note. I should be heading into the shower soon. I have a birthday party to go to with Anthony. Call me a nerd but I get excited to go to these things. Kids are so care free and always make me feel alive. I hope I enjoy myself. I also work tonight. I am not even gonna bother trying to trade shifts with somebody cause to be honest, I highly doubt anyone even knows who I am. Some still get my name wrong. HELLO, i wear a nametag! Anyways, that's all.
Ps. I brought all my nail stuff home. So, if someone is down for some treatment or whatever call me Sunday. I will put reasonable prices or negociate something.
P.P.S. Oh, I got my sheet of places where I get 50% discounts FOREVER: Sally is one of them :)
Okay, now i'm really done. Till the next one.
I'd say Orfus over Ikea because Ikea is still a bit pricey on bigger items. And if you're going to Orfus I am so coming!
ReplyDeleteWith the work thing, it's hard being new. Sorry if I'm such a ass at work, it does that too me. You just got to be open and social and you'll find it easier once you get use to the job because you have to talk to people non-stop.