Some days, are easier than others. Other days I find myself wanting to write you letters that have no ending. Letters that explain why I did things the way I did. Apologies possibly between words explaining how I wish it didn't come down to this. I have moments where my chest just aches. I just wanna break down wherever and explode in a rage of tears I fight from time to time. Other days I can walk with my head held high. Happy at the women i'm becoming. Because despite all these mix feelings i'm having with this lesson, I know this is the best for me.
I can write numbers of endless possibilities we could have had, memories we might have created, stories we could have shared.
Some days are easier than others.
...Tonight has been dreadful, sad, lonely.
But tomorrow is a new beginning and i'm ready. Pretty set, that my paint brushes will find space on this used up canvas.