I sit here patiently waiting watching everything.
I'm a whisper in the night that you hear when your head hits your pillow.
All I am is everything but nothing at all.
I don't carry your childhood night mares , I don't tuck your sheets tight within undeveloped legs. I listen to you pray to him. To give you the serenity to accept the things you can not change and begging for forgiveness for the tests you have failed. You give me freedom underneath the moon , you allow me to play with shadows and a world full of fantasy; I thank you for not killing me when you had the chance. I see the sunrise of the morning hit your back and make its way up your spine . I just gotta say ; you've left me speechless lately and i've hung up my boxing gloves. I'm no longer fighting with your yang of the ying, the night of the day, the evil of the good. You've remembered the little girl. Taken her hand and are now walking along with her. You've remembered her memory, her beauty, her purity;
not the chaos, not the madness, not the trauma.
Thank you , Gracias, Merci <3
This was quite different! Felt enlightened, as if you were just there. I liked it a lot. :) Very, very perceptive and almost..philosophical? Interesting, interesting!!