you kiss my cheek gently as i push you away. "give me 5 more mins"
you attempt to wrap your arms around me and i aggressively turn around swearing that i'll mold myself to this cold, wooden wall.
You whisper in my ear, i smile just a little, you breath gently down my neck.
You got me.
I turn to you. Open one eye just to be safe and I welcome your good morning with a kiss of relief, arms gripped tight on your body. I need to know this is not another dream within a dream.
Every inch of my senses is waking up. Like metal to magnet they find your mold and I melt within my sheets, I find last nights trigger points, and kiss the broken one more time.
You set me free. Even if it's for a day.
You make me forget, I melt away from the world.
You're the closet to home that i'll ever be.
Love has nothing to do with it.
Just a need to be needed, a desire to be desired, a wanting to be wanted.